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Heavy Goods Vehicles (Side Guards)

Volume 19: debated on Tuesday 2 March 1982

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asked the Secretary of State for Transport (1) if he will estimate how many fatalities of pedestrians and of two-wheeler riders could have been prevented, according to the Transport and Road Research Laboratory's study of accidents involving heavy goods vehicles in the year 1976, if the vehicles had been fitted with side guards;

(2) why the proposal of his Department for the fitting of side guards to vehicles was confined to vehicles over 32·5 tonnes;

(3) if he will take steps to require the fitting of side guards as speedily as is practicable to all heavy goods vehicles.

The TRRL report (LR 1033) claims a potential reduction of 39 fatalities and 14 fatalities in the case of two wheeler riders and pedestrians respectively.The proposed increase in permitted weights provides an opportunity to make additional constructional requirements that can practicably be met by any existing equipment modified to operate at weights higher than 32·52 tonnes.The Department will be circulating very shortly a draft regulation requiring the fitting of side guards to all new heavy goods vehicles.