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Health Services (Performance Indicators)

Volume 20: debated on Tuesday 16 March 1982

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asked the Secretary of State for Social Services if he will publish in the Official Report the indicators of performance in the delivery of health services which his Department is producing for a pilot region of the National Health Service and referred to in a written answer to the right hon. Member for Taunton (Mr. du Cann) on 22 January, Official Report, column 211; and if he will publish such indicators for all health service regions for 1982–83.

[pursuant to his reply, 16 February 1982, c. 89]: The list of indicators referred to is as follows:

  • 1. Average total cost per in-patient case.*
  • 2. Average cost of direct treatment services and supplies per in-patient case.
  • 3. Average cost of medical and paramedical support services per in-patient case.
  • 4. Average cost of general (non-clinical) services per inpatient day.
  • 5. The proportion of all admissions classified as immediate admissions.
  • 6. The proportion of all admissions classified as urgent involving a delay of more than one month before admission.
  • 7. The proportion of all admissions classified as non-urgent involving a delay of more than one year before admission.
  • 8. Average length of stay for hospital in-patients. *
  • 9. Average in-patient cases per bed over the year.*
  • 10. The proportion of all in-patients and day patients treated as day cases.*
  • 11. The average number of out-patients seen in each clinic session.*
  • 12. The ratio between new and returning out-patients.*
  • 13. The number of health visitors and district nurses per head of population. †
  • 14. The number of NHS administrative and clerical staff per head of population. †
  • * Data standardised to take account of specialty mix.
  • † Using population figures weighted to take account of factors affecting morbidity such as the age mix of the population.
  • Hospital servicesCommunity health servicesFamily practitioner and other services
    £ million£ million£ million
    (a) Direct patient care services3,564·4472·22,663·6
    (b) General services
    (i) Catering315·90·2
    (ii) Portering125·90·5
    (iii) Domestic/cleaning364·110·7
    (iv) Other1,233·3113·8
    (v) Total2,039·2125·2
    CAPITAL EXPENDITURE439·834·988·5
    TOTAL£ million6,043·4632·32,752·1
    per cent.64·16·729·2