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Local Authority Expenditure

Volume 21: debated on Tuesday 6 April 1982

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asked the Secretary of State for the Environment if he will publish the revised budgets of each local authority in England in 1981–82 in cash.

I have today placed in the Library a table giving net current expenditure in cash from revised budgets 1981–82 for all local authorities in England.

asked the Secretary of State for the Environment if he will publish the rate of inflation which has affected local authority relevant expenditure in each year since 1976–77.

Following are the estimates:

Year-on-year Rate of Inflation Affecting Local Authority Relevant Expenditure
per cent.
1975–76 to 1976–7712
1976–77 to 1977–7810½
1977–78 to 1978–799½/
1978–79 to 1979–8016
1979–80 to 1980–8122

asked the Secretary of State for the Environment if he will publish in the Official Report a reconciliation of the figure given for local authority current expenditure in England in 1982–83 in table 4.3 of the March 1982 Public Expenditure White Paper and the £18 billion current expenditure figure used in the rate support grant settlement for 1982–83.

The following table gives a reconciliation by service. The main differences between RSG relevant current expenditure and current expenditure on public expenditure definitions are that the latter includes local authority's rate fund contributions to the HRA and certain expenditure met almost entirely from central Government funds and grants, such as expenditure on mandatory student awards, rent rebates and allowances.

Local Authority current expenditure: England 1982–83 Reconciliation between PES and RSG relevant
£ million
RSG relevant current expenditure18,000
Add non-relevant current expenditure, i.e. Agriculture, Fisheries, Food, Forestry13
Housing (including rate fund contributions to the HRA)345
Other environmental services6
Law, order, protective services24
Education, science591
Social Security533
PES current expenditure England19,523

asked the Secretary of State for the Environment if he will now publish the outturn current expenditure figures for each local authority in England in 1980–81 in November 1980 prices.

Pursuant to my answer of 21 December 1981—[Vol. 15, c. 328]—1 have today placed in the Library estimates of outturn current expenditure in 1980–81 for individual local authorities in England. The figures supplied are to the definition used for the 1980–81 expenditure targets, but should be treated with some caution because the figures of some authorities may still be provisional—or unaudited.A national revaluation factor from 1980–81 outturn to November 1980 prices of 1·024 may be used to reprice the outturn figures to a November 1980 price base. This national factor does not take account of the different mix of services in each authority's expenditure.