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Doctors (Training Cost)

Volume 22: debated on Thursday 22 April 1982

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asked the Secretary of State for Scotland what is his estimate of the cost to public funds to train a doctor.

I shall write to the hon. Member.

Percentage detection rates, *Scottish police forces, 1981
Crime/offence groupCentralDumfries and GallowayFifeGrampianLothian and BordersNorthernStrathclydeTaysideScotland
Non-sexual crimes of violence against the person818891805897558664
Crimes involving indecency525966654890626060
Crimes involving dishonesty384137332854263629
Fire-raising, malicious and reckless conduct242332262451182122
Other crimes1009510098100100999999
Total crimes384039362958283731
Miscellaneous offences907895809899909091
Offences relating to motor vehicles979810093100999910099
Total offences959599889999959696
Total crimes and offences647768636083566460
* Number of cases cleared up—ie, for which one or more persons were apprehended, warned, cited or traced—as a percentage of the number recorded by the police during the year.