asked the Secretary of State for the Environment whether he has decided to spot-list the Stephenson engineering works, Newcastle upon Tyne, in view of the threat that it may be demolished; what representations he has received on the subject; and whether he will make a statement.
My right hon. Friend decided on 30 March 1982 that those buildings on the site of the former Stephenson engineering works bounded by South Street, Stephenson Lane and Orchard Street did not merit addition to the list of buildings of special architectural or historic interest. Twenty-four individuals and 15 organisations have written to the Department asking for spotlisting to be considered. Four organisations have written urging that spotlisting would be detrimental to the area.The decision not to list was taken after the most careful consideration of all the relevant facts, including the findings of a site inspection. The Royal Commission on Historical Monuments in England has taken photographs for the national monuments record.