asked the Secretary of State for Transport whether he will bring forward proposals to assess the effect of heavy lorries on the environment.
My Department has already produced, in collaboration with the Department of the Environment, outline proposals for a common approach to assessing the effects of lorries on the environment. These proposals have been broadly welcomed by the local authority associations and arrangements are being made for a number of joint studies of specific cases to refine the methods. It is hoped that general advice on the subject will be issued before the end of the year.We already take into account the environmental impact of traffic in assessing new trunk road schemes.
asked the Secretary of State for Transport if he intends to introduce legislation to restrict the passage of heavy goods vehicles along urban non-classified roads.
I have made it clear on a number of occasions that the Government agree with the Armitage report that local authorities have adequate powers to control the movement of lorries in their areas. We recently issued a circular encouraging authorities to make more extensive use of these wide powers.