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Joint Funding Scheme

Volume 24: debated on Tuesday 25 May 1982

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asked the Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs what allocations have been made through the joint funding scheme for 1982–83; which voluntary organisations have been allocated grants and for what purposes; and which voluntary organisations have been allocated grants under joint funding for population and family planning programmes.

The sum of £2,270,000 has been allocated for joint funding purposes in 1982–83. This is made up as follows:

Christian Aid310,000
Catholic Fund for Overseas Development (CAFOD)100,000
Save the Children Fund310,000
Other Agencies350,000
The grants to OXFAM, Christian Aid, CAFOD and SCF are allocations to be spent on agreed development projects put forward for support in the course of the year.Grants so far allocated to other agencies are as follows:

Action AidProvision of school furniture—Gambia12,495
School building project—Gambia30,757
Well digging—Gambia36,422
Amazon TrustHealth project—Peru48,000
British Red Cross SocietyPolyclinic—Algeria25,000
Dominica Overseas Nationals AssociationHospital Laundry-Dominica8,000
Friends of PeruCommunity Health Centre—Peru7,100
Population ServicesFamily Planning—Philippines44,528
InternationalMCH/FP Information and Education—Haiti8,728
Ayurvedic practitioners FP programme—Sri Lanka42,817
Royal Commonwealth Society for the BlindOpthalmic Institute and Training Complex—Bangladesh25,000
RURCONInternational Rural Development Seminar—Sierra Leone7,000
Tear FundLand Settlement Programme—Paraguay16,573
Population programmes are being funded through Population Services International, as described above. fn addition, a payment of £12,823 has been made from the 1982–83 allocation for CAFOD in support of a family planning workship in Mauritius and we expect to make contributions, through OXFAM, for family planning projects in Bangladesh (£1,256) and Pakistan (£3,175).