asked the Secretary of State for Scotland if he will revise the Scottish health authorities' revenue equalisation arrangement governing the funding of Tayside health board.
No, Sir. I consider that the arrangements for determining the annual revenue expenditure allocations to Tayside and to other health boards are operating in a satisfactory manner.
Will the Minister therefore consult Tayside health board? Does he realise that when this agreement came into effect, Tayside entered into it on the basis that there would be increasing funding? On the no-growth basis that now exists, Tayside health board faces cuts in services as a result of making allowance for demographic changes in the region and to meet the pay awards that were not borne by direct Government funding.
Tayside health board is the most generously-funded board in Scotland. In furtherance of the SHARE arrangements, its financial allocations must, therefore, be held steady to allow less well-funded boards to catch up. That has been allowed for in all the years up to date by growth money in the service. We hope to continue that SHARE arrangement until there is greater parity between the amounts of money given to the different boards in Scotland.
Does the Minister accept that if he and his colleagues accede to the demand from the Police Federation for the arming of police forces with plastic bullets, funds will have to be increased for Tayside and other health boards in Scotland because of the casualties that may arise?
That is a totally irrelevant question.