asked the Secretary of State for Industry whether he will make a statement about the outcome of the European Economic Community discussions on the Community arrangements for the steel industry held on Tuesday 8 June.
asked the Secretary of State for Industry whether he will make a statement about the outcome of the European Community Industry Ministers' Council on arrangements for the European Community steel industry, held on Tuesday 8 June.
The Council in Luxembourg on 8 June, which I attended, gave its consent to continue for 12 months the mandatory steel quota arrangements under article 58 of the Treaty of Paris. The Italian Government will state their position on these arrangements by 16 June after there has been further examination of the quota calculation for certain products.With minor amendments, quotas will be applied to products covered by the arrangements presently in force, with the addition of wire rod. I had no support from any Government or the Commission for my proposal that mandatory quotas should be applied to toll and high speed steels. The Commission will, however, issue tightly drawn guidelines, monitor their effectiveness, and report to the Council in October.It was a significant achievement by the Council to reach agreement on these arrangements. With other provisions—most notably the aids decision which the Commission confirmed would be rigorously and equitably enforced—the Council has provided a basis for the European steel industry to return to viability during this period of crisis and uncertainty.