asked the Secretary of State for Defence what is the constitution of the board of the Royal ordnance factories; who its members are; when they were appointed; and what is their term of office.
The terms of reference of the board of the Royal ordnance factories are:—
Under the general direction of the Minister of State for Defence Procurement the board will consider matters of ROF policy and planning relating to the factories under the control of the managing director Royal ordnance factories. The board will provide the forum for discussion on these matters and be the source of advice and support needed to enable the managing director to discharge his responsibilities.
The membership of the ROF board is:
Chairman: The Viscount Trenchard MC, Minister of State for Defence Procurement.
Deputy Chairman: Mr. W. Meakin CB, Managing Director Royal Ordnance Factories.
Full-Time Executive Members from the Ministry of Defence
Mr. H. Pointon: Director General of Ordnance Factories, Weapons and Fighting Vehicles.
Mr. H. Butterworth: Director General of Ordnance Factories, Ammunition.
Mr. J. E. Carruthers: Director General of Ordnance Factories, Finance and Procurement.
Part-Time Members
i. From the Ministry of Defence
Mr. J. Blyth: Head of Defence Sales.
Major General S. J. Beardsworth: Deputy Master General of the Ordnance.
Mr. I. H. Johnston CB: Deputy Controller of Establishments.
ii. From Outside the Ministry of Defence
Mr. B. G. Jenkins: Messrs. Coopers & Lybrand Chartered Accountants.
Mr. E. J. Challis: formerly with ICI Ltd.
Secretary: Mr. T. P. McLoughlin, Director of Ordnance Factories, Plans & Secretariat.
The ex-officio members serve on the board for as long as they hold their MOD appointments. Members from outside the Ministry of Defence are normally appointed initially for three years but this period may be extended. The two present outside members, Mr. B. G. Jenkins and Mr. E. J. Challis, were appointed on 4 April 1977 and 1 April 1980 respectively.