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Civil Service (Costs)

Volume 32: debated on Friday 19 November 1982

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asked the Chancellor of the Exchequer what are the latest figures available (a) for the cost of the Civil Service for 1981–82 and (b) the average cost for each civil servant; and if he will break down the average cost for each civil servant into pay, national insurance, superannuation, and other costs such as office space, heating, lighting, car allowance, travel allowance, telephone and others.

In my answer of 2 March 1982–[Vol. 19, c. 112–14.]— I provided my hon. Friend with a table showing provision for current expenditure for 1981–82—together with certain notional costs—for each Government Department; this included the Armed Forces and Northern Ireland Departments. The total shown was £13,904 million. The following averages can be derived from that table on the basis of staff totals of 638,400 United Kingdom civil servants—excluding the staff of trading funds—327,600 military personnel and 26,600 members of the Northern Ireland Civil Service at 1 April 1982. Information on Civil Service and Armed Forces running costs is not held separately.

Wages and salaries9,788
Personnel overheads745
Accommodation and rents2,068
Office services680
Agency services725


Wages and Salaries=Wages, salaries, overtime payments, employers' National Insurance contributions, and notional cost of accruing liability for pensions of serving staff.

Personnel Overheads=Travel, subsistence, entertainment, removals, catering subsidies, protective clothing and external training.

Accommodation costs=Rates, heating, lighting, utilities, furniture and fittings, and notional market rental values for Crown and leased property.

Office Services=Postage, printing and publications, telecommunications, publicity and advertising, and administrative computers.

Agency Costs=Services provided by the Post Office and other agencies.