asked the Secretary of State for Social Services what support he is giving to voluntary agencies concerned with the treatment of alcoholism.
I encourage health authorities and personal social services authorities to plan services for problem drinkers in consultation with voluntary organisations who can complement and extend them. "Care in Action"* reminded these authorities that they can make grants to voluntary organisations for relevant services.The Department also gives financial aid to voluntary organisations that are national in scope and, exceptionally, to local voluntary projects for limited periods for pump priming or experimental activities. The total sum given under Section 64 of the Health Services and Public Health Act 1968 between 1 April 1979 and 3 March 1982 was £3,195,804.
* Care in Action. A handbook of Policies + Priorities for the Health and Personal Social Services in England. 1981 HMSO £3·30 net.
asked the Secretary of State for Social Services if he will give support to the modernised hostel, Mt. Carmel, at Streatham, run by the Westminster advisory centre on alcoholism to ensure its continued ability to treat alcoholic women.
Mount Carmel received funding until 31 March 1981 under the Department's pump priming scheme for hostels for alcoholics. The grant was given on the understanding that thereafter this agency would look to local support.
asked the Secretary of State for Social Services whether he intends to adhere to the date of 1 April 1983 for the establishment of a single national organisation for alcohol affairs incorporating the Federation of Alcoholic Rehabilitation Establishments, the Alcohol Education Centre, the Medical Council on Alcoholism and the National Council of Alcoholism, as indicated in his letter and press release of 26 October 1982.
At this stage I think it desirable that the steering group which is to advise on how to bring about the formation of a new national voluntary organisation to combat alcohol misuse should aim at 1 April as the date by which the new arrangements should take effect, but the group will no doubt wish to advise on a practicable timetable as well as on the composition of a new organisation. If they advise strongly that the date can not be adhered to it will of course be necessary to make interim arrangements to provide for continuity of the work and recognise the responsibilities of the voluntary organisations as employers.