asked the Secretary of State for Transport when he intends to introduce regulations requiring the mandatory fitting of rear seat belts in new cars.
A decision will be announced as part of the Government's response to the recent report on road safety by the Select Committee on Transport, which I am now considering.
asked the Secretary of State for Transport if he is satisfied with the observance by front seat car passengers of the legislation on the wearing of seat belts; and what figures he has for the numbers who have been prosecuted within the last 12 months for breach of the legislation.
The wearing rate for front seat passengers has overall been around 95 per cent. since the law's introduction. I am satisfied with this, but it is essential that it should be maintained. Information on prosecutions is not yet available for 1984, nor is it broken down between passengers and drivers. However, in 1983, 6,826 people were prosecuted for failing to wear a seat belt and a further 83 for permitting a child under 14 to ride in a front seat unbelted.