asked the Chancellor of the Exchequer if he will set out the monthly cash flows for each European Economic Community country, with the European Economic Community, for each of the last 48 months with annual sub-totals, cash flow being defined as a net result of all contributions and rebates in the month in which the transaction is affected.
I regret the information my hon. Friend requires is not available. However, certain details of the transactions between member states and the European Community are contained in the annual reports of the Court of Auditors. Copies of these are held in the Commons Library.
asked the Chancellor of the Exchequer if he will set out for each of the last 48 months with annual sub-totals the cash flow between the United Kingdom and the European Economic Community with regard to European Economic Community contributions broken down as follows: (a) value added tax contributions, (b) customs levies, (c) agricultural levies, (d) other costs, (e) rebate and (f) other returns, setting out in each case the period to which the rebate refers.
The information my hon. Friend asks for is not readily available in the form he requires and could not be provided without disproportionate cost. However, figures concerning the United Kingdom's gross contributions, receipts and refunds, by financial year, for the period in question are contained in the latest public expenditure White Paper (Cmnd. 9428), which was published last January.