asked the Secretary of State for the Home Department if he will give details of the treatment that detention centre inmates will receive during the first week of their sentence under the extended short, sharp shock regime.
Copies of a note summarising the main features of the new regime were placed in the Library and the Vote Office on 13 February 1985.
asked the Secretary of State for the Home Department whether the Home Office will be monitoring the effect of the extension of the short, sharp shock regimes to all detention centres.
The new regime in detention centres is being covered under the general arrangements for operational oversight and statistical monitoring of young offender establishments.
asked the Secretary of State for the Home Department if he will list the categories of offenders sentenced to periods at detention centres who will be excluded from the short, sharp shock regime.
The new regime is in operation in all detention centres in England and Wales. All new receptions at detention centres have a thorough medical examination, and where an inmate appears to be unfit the medical officer is able to direct what restrictions should be placed on his activities or, if necessary, arrange for his admission to an outside hospital.
asked the Secretary of State for the Home Department whether he has received any allegations of assault or mistreatment of inmates at Aldington detention centre.
Recent allegations of staff misconduct at Aldington have been referred to the police for investigation.