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Ethnic Minority Projects (Funding)

Volume 76: debated on Monday 1 April 1985

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asked the Secretary of State for the Environment if he will list the projects which are being funded by inner city partnership money in respect of social and community facilities for Bangladeshi communities in England and Wales.

In 1984–85 the urban programme is supporting the 18 social and community projects listed as follows which specifically address the needs of Bangladeshi communities in Partnership areas. Members of these communities will also benefit from more than 100 UP funded social and community projects, costing over £2·5 million, aimed more generally at Asian and Muslim communities in the Partnership areas.

Partnership Authorities: Urban Programme Social and Community Projects of Special Benefit to Bangladeshi Communities
PartnershipCost (1984–85)
1. Bangladesh Women's Association—Welfare Project1,500
2. Jalabad Bangla School—Bengali Teaching Classes1,000


Cost (1984–85)


3. Bangladesh Islamic Organisation—Bangla Language Teaching Project1,500
4. Bangladesh Women's Association Welfare Project500
5. Bangladesh Welfare Organisation—Welfare Advice/Mother Tongue Teaching2,000
6. Bangladesh Welfare Association—Family Welfare Works7,000
1. Bangla Education and Cultural Association6,800
2. Mother Tongue Teaching Partnership68,000
3. North London Muslim Youth Centre400
4. Hackney Asian Association6,200
1. Bangladesh Women's Association31,000
2. North London Bangladesh Welfare Association23,400
3. Bengali Women's Group17,300
4. Islington Muslim Association12,800
5. Patidal Samaj27,600
6. Asian Centre40,000
1. Greater Manchester Bangladesh Association34,000
2. Bangladesh Women's and Children's Welfare Project29,000
Grand Total310,000

asked the Secretary of State for the Environment if he will list the projects which are receiving partnership funding for ethnic minority communities in Liverpool at the most recent date.

Projects of particular benefit to ethnic minority communities being funded through the Liverpool inner city partnership in 1984–85 are as follows.

Urban Programme Funding for Ethnic Minority Communities
Estimated Outturn 1984–85
Charles Wootton Centre
Fieldwork Post9·5
Hindu Cultural Organisation Centre
Running Costs12·4
Sports Hall (Phase 2)70·0
Merseyside Asian Social & Cultural Organisation
Social and Cultural Events and Music Lessons1·0
Merseyside Caribbean Council111·943·5
Community Centre9·5
Merseyside Somali Community Association Centre9·0
Pakistan Association Centre116·926·8

Estimated Outturn 1984–85





Pakistan Association

Library Project

Princes Park Methodist Centre

Sports Hall75·0
Elimu Wa Nane11·0

Liverpool Sikh Community Centre


Liverpool Muslim Society

Books, Equipment1·4

Liverpool 8 Law Centre

Refurbishment of 34–36 Princes Road Office Accommodation for Law Centre South Liverpool Personnel and Rialto Community Centre

South Liverpool Personnel

Job Placement Agency40·0

Merseyside Community Relations Council

Electrical Improvements and Additional Security5·0
Public Education Officer8·8
Ujamaa House47·5
Asian Worker7·6

Circle of Literary Friends URDU Speaking Project

Equipment and Books etc4·90·6
Crown Street Language Centre31·5
Merseyside Chinese Community Centre—Running Costs34·0
Foundation Courses to Improve Basic Skills85·8
Courses for the Unemployed (Access Programme)136·3
Black Social Work Project175·0
Home Help Service for the Black Community134·0
Domiciliary Meals for Muslims9·4
Total Voluntary Projects552·20227·20
Total Statutory ProjectsNil606·20
Grand Total Partnership Funding 1984–85552·20833·20

Figures as at 3 December 1984.