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Machine Tools

Volume 78: debated on Monday 29 April 1985

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asked the Secretary of State for Employment what has been the total number of people employed in the machine tool manufacturing industry in each quarter in each of the last five years for which figures are available.

In September 1981, the earliest date for which analyses by Activity Heading of the 1980 standard industrial classification are available, there were an estimated 40,500 employees in employment in Great Britain in the metal-working machine tools industry (activity heading 3221). In December 1984, the latest available date, the corresponding figure was 30,000. Figures for each quarter between these dates were published in table 1.4 of the Historical Supplement to the April 1985 issue of Employment Gazette, a copy of which is in the Library.

asked the Secretary of State for Employment if he will give a breakdown by region of the numbers of people employed in the machine tool manufacturing industry.

The latest available figures for the industry in question are from the September 1981 census of employment and are as follows.

Employees in employment: by region: September 1981: metal-working machine tools (activity heading 3221 of the standing industrial classification 1980)
South East9·5
East Anglia0·8
South West2·3
West Midlands11·8
East Midlands4·8
Yorkshire and Humberside5·4
North West2·7
Results of the 1981 census of employment, giving regional estimates of employees in each industry, were

published in a supplement to the December 1984 issue of

Employment Gazette. Estimates from the following (September 1984) census of employment are scheduled to become available in the latter part of this year.