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Exchange Rates

Volume 78: debated on Monday 29 April 1985

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asked the Chancellor of the Exchequer whether he will publish in the Official Report a table showing for each of the European monetary system currencies, the dollar, the yen and the European currency unit the highest and lowest rates of exchange against the pound sterling in the current year and in 1983, and 1984, respectively, together with the current rate.

Monthly highs and lows for the pound sterling can be derived from tables 13.1 and 13.3 in the March edition of the CSO publication Financial Statistics. Recent sterling exchanges rates are as follows:

Rates against sterlingMarch 1985 (monthly averages)24 April 1985 (closing rates)
French franc11·3111·66
Italian lira2336·02437·2
Netherlands guilder4·18364·3190
Danish hone13·2313·57
Belgian franc74·3976·95
Irish punt1·18771·2192
US dollar1·12261·2235
Japenese yen289·75307·28
European Currency Unit1·65961·7094
Investigation of highs and lows using daily data could not be undertaken except at excessive cost.