asked the Secretary of State for the Environment, pursuant to his reply on 7 March, OfficialReport, column 544, why his Department took until 23 January before replying to the Association of London Borough planning officers' letter of 16 November 1984.
The letter from the Association of London Borough Planning Officers dated 16 November followed a discussion between my Department and representatives of the association on 5 October 1984 and it was assumed that the letter was to record the association's views. Following the discussion in Standing Committee G on 17 and 22 January, a further meeting was suggested by my Department to pursue the matter.
asked the Secretary of State for the Environment, pursuant to his reply on 7 March, Official Report, column 544, what was the result of his Department's offer to meet the Association of London Borough Planning Officers to discuss the planning proposals in the Local Government Bill.
There has been no reply from the association to my Department's letter of 23 January 1985, to which I referred in the answer to the hon. Member on 7 March, but my officials have been in touch with the association to arrange a meeting.