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Kidney Patients

Volume 79: debated on Thursday 16 May 1985

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asked the Secretary of State for Social Services what has been the number of renal transplant operations carried out in: (a) England and (b) the United Kingdom in each of the last five years for which figures are available.

The number of kidney transplant operations performed in National Health Service hospitals has been as follows:

(a)England(b)United Kingdom


Figures for 1980–82 have been supplied by the European Dialysis and Transplant Association. Figures for 1983–84 are provisional totals supplied by the United Kingdom Transplant Service.

asked the Secretary of State for Social Services what has been the annual acceptance rate per million of total population of new renal patients for treatment in (a) England and (b) the United Kingdom, in each of the last five years for which figures are available; and how those figures compare with such comparable figures as are available to him for each of the member countries of the European Community over the same period.

Following are figures supplied by the European Dialysis and Transplant Association (EDTA) for the annual acceptance rate per million population for new renal patients in the United Kingdom and other member states of the European Community from 1979 to 1983:

New renal patients receiving treatment per million population
United Kingdom22·024·527·129·533·0
Federal Republic of Germany37·044·549·744·055·8


Figures are taken from EDTA published annual returns, although United Kingdom figures have been revised to take account of late returns. England data on a comparable basis are not readily available, but figures could be expected to be very similar to those for the United Kingdom.

asked the Secretary of State for Social Services what was the number of renal patients on (a) hospital dialysis, (b) home dialysis and (c) peritoneal dialysis in (i) England and (ii) the United Kingdom in each of the last five years for which figures are available.

According to information supplied by the European Dialysis and Transplant Association, the number of renal patients on dialysis in (i) England and (ii) the United Kingdom from 1978 to 1982 was as follows:

Number of patients on treatment at 31 December
(i) England
(a) Hospital dialysis7969021,0051,1141,226
(b) Home dialysis1,6061,7161,7581,8581,911
(c) Peritoneal dialysis1031934217641,024
(ii) United Kingdom
(a) Hospital dialysis1,0111,1271,2411,3731,490
(b) Home dialysis1,8722,0222,0642,1622,218
(c) Peritoneal dialysis1142295209071,225