asked the Secretary of State for Employment in which towns or other centres the National Institute of Fresh Produce has organised courses supported by his Department since the inception of the institute.
Since 1982, when it assumed responsibility for training in the fresh produce industry, the National Institute of Fresh Produce has organised courses supported by the Manpower Services Commission at the following places: Birmingham, Bradford, Bristol, Cardiff, Chichester, Gateshead, Glasgow, Leeds, Leicester, Liverpool, London, Manchester, Newcastle, Southall, Southampton, Uxbridge and in several towns in East Anglia.
asked the Secretary of State for Employment how many young people have attended training courses organised by the National Institute of Fresh Produce supported by his Department in the past full year for which figures are available; and how many he anticipates will take part in such courses in the current year.
I regret that information is not held in the precise form requested. In 1984, 412 trainees, of all age groups, attended training courses run by the National Institute of Fresh Produce to which the Manpower Services Commission had contributed financially.In the first quarter of 1985, 244 trainees attended institute courses which were supported by the commission. It is anticipated that this upward trend will continue throughout the remainder of 1985.