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Youth Training Scheme

Volume 86: debated on Wednesday 13 November 1985

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asked the Secretary of State for Scotland what representations he has received on changes intended by the Manpower Services Commission's proposals of June and September on funding and administration of the proposed two-year youth training scheme; what effect he expects these proposed changes will have on those organisations presently involved in Mode B schemes with particular reference to young people with special needs.

My right hon. Friend has received one direct representation on the subject of funding arid administration of the two-year youth training scheme. A number of representations have also been received by the Manpower Services Commission. It is recognised that it will take some time for existing providers of mode B1 schemes to adjust to the new funding conditions and the commission accordingly agreed in September revised transitional funding arrangements. The commission's training division area managers are now reviewing, on a scheme by scheme basis jointly with current mode B1 providers, the levels of transitional funding that would apply. It is too early to assess fully the outcome of this exercise, but it is anticipated that mode B providers will be reassured by the new terms and the individual review process. Several new incentives, including an additional allowance of £75 per month, have been incorporated into the new scheme to encourage the provision of places for disabled young people with particular training needs.