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Prison Statistics

Volume 86: debated on Thursday 14 November 1985

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asked the Secretary of State for the Home Department what was the prison population of England and Wales and the certified accommodation of the prison system on the most recent convenient date.

On 8 November 1985 there were 45,227 males and 1,590 females in prison department custody. The certified normal accommodation on that date was: males—39,077, females—1,401.

asked the Secretary of State for the Home Department how many prison cells in England and Wales have some means of access to sanitation at night; and how many do not have such access.

Approximately 19,400 places in prison department establishments have some means of access to night sanitation, while approximately 21,800 places do not have such access. These figures include places currently out of use for refurbishment which do not appear in the current certified normal accommodation. The available information does not distinguish between cells and other types of inmate accommodation.

asked the Secretary of State for the Home Department how many prisoners were sharing cells designed for one person on the most convenient date; and how many of these had no access to sanitation at night.

On 13 October 1985 there were 13,022 males and 250 females held two to a cell and 4,065 males and three females held three to a cell. It is estimated that over 90 per cent. of these males and over 50 per cent. of these females had no access to night sanitation. More detailed information is not available centrally.