asked the Secretary of State for Scotland how many miles of motorway in Scotland are currently lit; if he will break them down by motorway; how many miles of motorway are planned to be lit; of those miles lit, in the case of how many the lights were installed during construction of the motorway itself; in how many cases the lighting was installed separately after construction of the motorway itself; and what mileage is involved.
The following lengths of motorway in Scotland are currently lit.
| |
*M8 | 18·5 |
*M9 | 0·5 |
M73 | 2·0 |
M74 | 0·4 |
*M90 | 0·6 |
22·0 |
Lighting was installed during construction on those lengths, totalling 19·6 miles, marked with an asterisk; the remainder, totalling 2·4 miles, had lighting installed after construction. It is planned to provide lighting on about 5 miles of the existing M74 motorway and, during construction, on a planned new 3-mile section of M74 and a planned new 4-mile section of the proposed M80.