asked the Secretary of State for Social Services how many hearing therapists are currently being trained; how many are in post; and where they are employed.
Although records are not kept centrally, I understand that there are at present over 50 hearing therapists in post in England, spread throughout all 14 National Health Service regions. Eleven students are on the current hearing therapy course.
asked the Secretary of State for Social Services what have been the major developments in the prevention of deafness in the last year.
Work has proceeded on a number of important initiatives. The National Rubella Council's campaign to improve immunisation rates in schoolgirls and adult women of childbearing age has continued during the year, with Government support. There have been further discussions about the proposed European Commission directive on the protection of workers from noise. The Health and Safety Commission's efforts to raise the awareness of people in industry to the dangers of exposure to excessive noise at work and the Health and Safety Executive's activity in enforcing relevant legal provision have continued during the last year.