asked the Secretary of State for Wales (1) what procedure exists to ensure that when local service departments of local authorities in England place mentally handicapped children into private residential accommodation in Wales there is adequate co-ordination between those authorities and the social service departments in the area in which the accommodation is located; and who is responsible for monitoring standards of care;(2) if he is satisfied with the operation of the statutory provisions to enable private residential houses for mentally handicapped children in Wales to be inspected for standards of care on a regular basis;(3) if he is satisfied that proper procedures exist to ensure that local social service departments and district health authorities in Wales co-operate so that social services follow up any complaints made by health authorities concerning children at risk in private residential homes for mentally handicapped children.
Private residential establishments providing for four or more mentally handicapped children are subject to the registration and inspection arrangements arising from the Registered Homes Act 1984. Such establishments have to be registered with the appropriate county council's social services department and must be inspected by it at least once a year. The primary responsibility for children in care rests with the placing authority. Liaison arrangements between social services authorities and others will vary according to individual circumstances.