asked the Secretary of State for Trade and Industry what account he will take of United States protectionism in establishing Her Majesty's Government's position towards the renewal of the multi-fibre arrangement.
Our policy will have to evolve to take account of the positions of the United States and other major participants as well as of our interest in reducing protectionist pressures in such countries.
asked the Secretary of State for Trade and Industry if he has now received the European Commission's proposals for a draft negotiating mandate for the multi-fibre arrangement renewal negotiations; and if he will make a statement.
The Commission has not yet made a communication to the Council on a draft negotiating mandate for the multi-fibre arrangement negotiations, but is expecting to do so soon.
asked the Secretary of State for Trade and Industry what study he has made of tariff and non-tariff barriers to United Kingdom and European Community exports of textiles and clothing; and if he will seek to reduce these barriers during the negotiations for renewal of the multi-fibre arrangement.
In the forthcoming MFA negotiations and the proposed new GATT round we shall be seeking reductions in the considerable barriers which exist in a number of countries to the export of United Kingdom and European Community textiles and clothing.
asked the Secretary of State for Trade and Industry what consultations he has held with the Governments of Spain and Portugal regarding the renewal of the multi-fibre arrangement.
I have not had recent bilateral exchanges with either Spain or Portugal about the renewal of the multi-fibre arrangement. Following the signature of their treaty of accession, Spain and Portugal have the right to attend as observers in all European Community meetings, including those discussing textile trade policy. From 1 January they will participate as full members of the European Community.
asked the Secretary of State for Trade and Industry what information he has regarding the approach of the United States' Administration towards renewal of the multi-fibre arrangement.
I shall reply to my hon. Friend as soon as possible.
asked the Secretary of State for Trade and Industry what consultations he has held with the textile and clothing industries regarding the policy to be adopted for the multi-fibre arrangement renewal negotiations.
We consulted the representatives of the textile and clothing industry, as well as other interested parties, before the Government decided their overall approach to the multi-fibre arrangement which I announced to the House on 9 May. We have had further detailed discussions since then and I intend to keep in close touch with the industry and other interested parties as the negotiations progress.