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Women Appointees

Volume 87: debated on Friday 29 November 1985

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asked the Secretary of State for Transport if he will list those bodies to which his Department makes appointments, the number of appointees and the number of these who are women.

I make appointments to all the bodies listed in my Department's entry in the Her Majesty's Stationery Office publication "Public Bodies 1984"—a copy of which is in the Library and which gives information on membership—with the exception of the Commissioners of Irish Lights, and the Transport Tribunal.I also make appointments to:

Total number of appointeesWomen
Honorary Medical Advisory Panel on Cardiovascular Disorders5Nil
Honorary Medical Advisory Panel on Driving and Diabetes71
London Regional Transport133
Port Authorities (25)129Nil
Road Traffic Law Review6Nil
In addition there are numerous Departmental Working Committees on which non-civil servants are invited by my Department to serve jointly with officials. Detailed information on these Committees could only be provided at disproportionate cost.