asked the Secretary of State for the Home Department how many refugees from Vietnam at present in Hong Kong he expects to accept for settlement in the United Kingdom in 1987.
We hope to make an announcement shortly.
asked the Secretary of State for the Home Department what advice he has received from the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees about his policy on the resettlement of refugees from Vietnam at present in Hong Kong.
My right hon. Friend and I discussed this issue with the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees when he visited London in October of last year, and officials remain in close contact with the UNHCR's representative in London. In the usual way, the content of such discussions are not disclosed.
asked the Secretary of State for the Home Department how many Vietnamese refugees from Hong Kong were resettled in the United Kingdom in the last three months of 1986.
Twenty-four Vietnamese refugees were resettled in this country during October, 16 during November and 12 during December. All of these people were from the camps in Hong Kong. Most had arrived in the United Kingdom before October, but were accommodated in reception centres until suitable resettlement destinations could be arranged. I would refer the hon. Member to my answers to Mr. Alton on 28 November, which explain the background to our commitments on resettlement from the camps in Hong Kong.