asked the Secretary of State for Education and Science what are the members and terms of reference of the expenditure steering group (education); what reports are produced by this body; whether he has any plans to publish the reports of this body; and if he will make a statement.
Each year the Secretary of State for the Environment consults the local authority associations at member level through the Consultative Council on Local Government Finance and its working groups, on local authority expenditure. The consultative council is supported by joint working groups of officials from the associations and central Government for eight local authority services, including education. Each working group has a steering group which prepares a report to CCLGF in accordance with a common remit, projecting expenditure in cash for its service in the following year. The membership of the expenditure steering group (education) comprises officials of the DES, HM Treasury and the Department of Employment, and representatives of the local authority associations. There are no plans to publish its report.