asked the Secretary of State for Defence what percentage of Regular Army recruits leave in their first year.
We expect some 25 per cent. of Regular Army recruits to leave in their first year.
asked the Secretary of State for Defence whether ex-Army personnel are able to re-join their former regiment should they so desire.
This is possible in certain circumstances. Each application is judged on its merits, taking into account the individual's previous record, conduct, qualifications. age and current suitable vacancies.
asked the Secretary of State for Defence what percentage of Territorial Army Volunteer Reserve recruits leave during their first year.
During the 12-month period ending 31 March 1986, the latest date for which figures are available, 31 per cent. of recruits to the Territorial Army left during their first year of service.
asked the Secretary of State for Defence whether ex-service men are able to re-join the armed forces should they so desire.
Ex-service men may apply to re-enter the armed forces. Such applications are considered in the light of the individual's previous record, conduct, qualifications, age, current suitable vacancies and in competition with other applicants for entry.