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Departmental Computers

Volume 111: debated on Monday 23 February 1987

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asked the Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food to which firms his Department has awarded contracts for computer hardware for each year since 1984; and what was the value of each contract.

For reasons of confidentiality, it is not possible to divulge the value of individual contracts. I am able to say however that contracts with a value in excess of £10,000 for computer hardware have been awarded to the following suppliers in the year indicated:

Access Data Communications1984–85, 1985–86, 1986–87
ACT Ltd.1984–85
Apricot UK1985–86, 1986–87
Aylesbury Computer Group1986–87
Blackwell Technical Services1984–85, 1986–87
Camtec Electronics1984–85
Case Communications1984–85, 1985–86, 1986–87
Casu Micros1984–85
Complete Computer Systems1986–87
Dowty Information Systems1986–87
Hewlett Packard1986–87
Intelligent Interfaces1986–87
McDonnel Douglas1985–86
MBS Computer Group1986–87
ME Electronics1986–87
Norbain Micros1985–86
Pericom1984–85, 1985–86, 1986–87


Prime Computers1984–85, 1985–86, 1986–87
Programs Unlimited1984–85
Scan Computers1984–85
Telefile Computer Products1986–87
Torch Computers1984–85, 1985–86
Wootton Jeffrey1984–85

asked the Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food what his Department has spent on (a) computer hardware and (b) computer software for each year since 1984; and what is the projected expenditure for 1987.

In my Department records of computer hardware and software contracts are not kept in a form that permits this question to be answered as specified without considerable effort. It is, however, possible to provide details of capital and running costs expenditure as follows:

1. Capital expenditure on computer hardware was:
£ million
1986–87 (forecast)3·4
1987–88 (forecast)5·3
2. Running costs expenditure on computer hardware, software and consumables was:
£ million
1986–87 (forecast)1·8
1987–88 (forecast)2·5
In broad terms, running costs expenditure is made up of hardware maintenance (70 per cent.) software licences and maintenance (20 per cent.) and consumables (10 per cent.)