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Heritage Conservation

Volume 111: debated on Tuesday 24 February 1987

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asked the Secretary of State for the Environment if he will list all those organisations which, under the auspices of his Department, receive Government funds for the general purposes of protecting, improving and restoring the heritage; and if he will list the amounts involved.

The relevant organisations, covering the built and natural heritage in England, and the amounts applicable in 1986–87, are listed below. In some cases their responsibilities extend to other parts of the United Kingdom. Government funding in this area has increased substantially over the last few years: in 1979–80 it totalled some £61 million—an increase of about 58 per cent. in real terms over the period.

Government funding in 1986–87
£ million
Royal Parks and Palaces32·5
Historic Buildings and Monuments Commission forEngland61·5
Royal Armouries2·8
National Heritage Memorial Fund13·0
Royal Commission on the Historical Monuments of England3·2
Redundant Churches Fund0·9
Countryside Commission17·7
Nature Conservancy Council32·1
National Parks Authorities6·4
Grants to voluntary bodies:
Civic Trust (Central and Regional)0·1
British Trust for Conservation Volunteers0·1
Other bodies0·3
1 Funded jointly by DOE and Offices of Arts and Libraries.