asked the Secretary of State for Trade and Industry if he will list the grants available from the European Economic Community to institutions and companies in the United Kingdom to fund industrial research and development; how much has been allocated in the United Kingdom under such grant schemes in each year since their inception; and who may make applications under each of the schemes.
The European Economic Community programmes undertaking industrial research and development are listed in the table, together with the expected United Kingdom share of the average annual programme budget. Funding from these programmes is provided under confidential contracts between participants and the
steel industry; what is his policy on proposals for further cuts in the British steel industry; and what action he proposes to take.
I understand that Eurofer will put proposals for further restructuring of the European steel industry to the Commission on 1 March for discussion by the Council of Ministers on 19 March. As far as the United Kingdom is concerned, any capacity reductions by BSC would have to be consistent with the three-year strategy agreed with the Government and announced in August 1985 and must not prejudice decisions on strategy thereafter.