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Argyll And Clyde Health Board

Volume 111: debated on Thursday 26 February 1987

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asked the Secretary of State for Scotland how many chiropodists are currently employed by the Agyll and Clyde health board; and what is the equivalent funded establishment number of chiropodists for the Argyll and Clyde health board.

The number of chiropodists in post at 30 September 1986 was 28·9 whole-time equivalent. The funded establishment number at the same date was 36·9 whole-time equivalent.

asked the Secretary of State for Scotland what is the current waiting list for chiropody treatment in each of the health board areas in Scotland; and how many of those on the lists are (a) men and (b) women aged 65 years and over.

asked the Secretary of State for Scotland what are the numbers employed within Argyll and Clyde health board by main staff group; and what are the equivalent figures for 1981.

The information is as follows and relates to whole time equivalent staff employed by the board as at 30 September of each year:

Scientific/Professions Allied to Medicine2482280·7
All Staff8,603·48,607·5
1 Provisional.

asked the Secretary of State for Scotland how many effective blood donors there have been in Argyll and Clyde health board in each year since 1980; and how many blood donations were made in each year.

The west of Scotland region of the Scottish national blood transfusion service covers the areas of six health boards. In the area of Argyll and Clyde health board, the total number of donors and donations taken are:

(a) Persons Assisted
Telephone Installation179190208269294281
Telephone Attachements343
Telephone Rental1,059916956769838668
Television/Radio Supply462965602694
Television Licence4528240223646
Other Personal Aidsn/an/an/a18,79422,04823,446
Assistance with Holidaysn/an/an/a1,4621,0831,607
(b) Places Provided
Places for the Mentally I11 at Day Centres2303535353532
1 Provisional
2 Day centres are classified according to the main group attending. Numbers of places for mentally ill persons attending adult training centres ire not recorded.
3 Information not collected before 1986 n/a Not available.