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Students (Full-Time Education)

Volume 111: debated on Thursday 26 February 1987

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asked the Secretary of State for Education and Science (1) how many pupils study for GCE A-levels; and what proportion of their year group they represent;(2) what proportion of pupils remain in full-time education over the age of 16 years; how many enter the sixth form; and how many enter further education or non advanced further education.

The number and proportion aged 16,17 and 18 remaining in full-time education in schools and further education colleges and those studying for GCE A-levels are as follows:

Full-time pupils/students in England, 1985–86

On 'A' level courses

On all courses

Numbers (thousands) aged1


F & HE3

School 4

F & HE3

as percentage of population aged:

1 Ages at 31 August 1985.

2 The age breakdown of the number of pupils on 'A' level courses in maintained secondary and independent schools has been estimated.

3 Full-time students on non advanced and advanced courses in further education colleges and universities. Includes those YTS trainees on full time courses on the day of the count and for a significant part of their courses" and sandwich students in further education

4 Numbers of pupils of these ages in maintained secondary, independent and special schools.