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Health Services (Statistics)

Volume 111: debated on Thursday 26 February 1987

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asked the Secretary of State for Social Services what information he has as to how many people are employed in the health services in the United Kingdom, the United States of America, France and West Germany; and what percentage of the population these figures represent.

I am sorry I cannot provide all the information my hon. Friend has asked for. Figures for other countries are not available centrally. The figures for the United Kingdom are shown in the table.

Total NHS Directly Employed Staff:1 30 September 1985
United KingdomNumbers
Total Staff1,236,200
Total Staff as per cent, of Population2 per cent.
Source: DHSS Annual Censuses of NHS medical and non-medical manpower; Welsh Office; Scottish Common Services Agency; Northern Ireland Office.
1Excludes nursing/midwifery agency staff and medical/dental locums. Figures for Great Britain include hospitals practitioners, part-time medical/dental officers (clinical assistants). Northern Ireland figures exclude these staff.