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Falkland Islands

Volume 111: debated on Friday 27 February 1987

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asked the Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs what is the level of income tax in the Falkland Islands; what information he has as to the levels of banking and commercial secrecy; if he has any evidence of use of the Falkland Islands as a tax haven; and if he will make a statement.

In the current financial year, personal income tax in the Falkland Islands is chargeable as follows:

Per cent.
On the first £500 of chargeable income20
On the next £500 of chargeable income25
On the next £6,500 of chargeable income30
On the next £2,500 of chargeable income40
On the remainder of chargeable income50
Deductions that may be claimed:£
Personal income2,100
For wife1,200
Wife's earned income relief12,100
Dependent relative650
Insurance premium or pension fund contribution2
1 Maximum.
2 Up to one-sixth of total income after deducting wife's earned income relief.
Banking in the Falkland Islands is regulated by the 1972 Ordinance no. 7 for the licensing and control of banking in the colony. A copy and subsequent amendments have been laid in the Library of the House. We have no evidence of the use of the Falkland Islands as a tax haven.