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Dyslexia (Surrey)

Volume 111: debated on Friday 27 February 1987

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asked the Secretary of State for Education and Science if he is satisfied that Surrey county council is making adequate provision for the educational needs of dyslexic children.

The Education Act 1981 imposes duties on all local education authorities to identify, assess and make appropriate provisions for all children including dyslexics in their areas with special educational needs. Any parents within Surrey, as in any other part of the country, who are not content with the arrangements proposed by a local education authority for their child, may appeal to the Secretary of State either under section 5(6) of the Act, if the authority decides that it is not required to maintain a statement determining the special educational provision to be made for the child; or under section 8(6), if the parents are not satisfied with the educational provision specified in the statement and their appeal to a local appeal committee has failed. The Secretary of State considers each individual case on its own merits.