asked the Secretary of State for Scotland if he will list in the Official Report, for each district and island council area, his estimate of the housing surplus or deficit.
The table below gives a crude measure of housing surpluses, by areas, obtained by subtracting the estimated number of households at 30 June 1985 from the numbers of domestic subjects on the valuation rolls at 1 April 1985. It is not possible to give figures for both series on the same day. Moreover, definitional differences
approval of the prosecuting authority, in this case the Director of Public Prosecutions. In March 1985 Mr. Sethia wrote to the Metropolitan police requesting that copies of the record of questions and answers be sent to his solicitors. The police forwarded the request to the Director of Public Prosecutions, who consulted the Ministry of Defence. No further correspondence on the matter was received from Mr. Sethia or his solicitors, nor has any fresh request been received from them.