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Voluntary Bodies (Grants)

Volume 111: debated on Monday 2 March 1987

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asked the Prime Minister if she will list the total amounts paid in grants by Government Departments to voluntary bodies during the financial year 1985–86; and if she will make a statement.

The figures are shown in the table. The total amount provided in 1985–86 represents a cash increase of 19·1 per cent. (in real terms 12·3 per cent.) on the level of provision in 1984–85. In the period between 1979–80 and 1985–86 the level of Government support to voluntary bodies has risen by about 208 per cent. (or in real terms 91 per cent.). These percentage increases take account of revised figures for Northern Ireland Departments in 1979–80 and 1984–85.

Grants and payments by Government Departments in 1985–86
Agriculture, Fisheries and Food117,700
Education and Science grants8,450,508
Environment—direct grants2,566,366
—Urban programme176,300,000
Foreign and Commonwealth822,483
Overseas Development Administration231,233,17432,255,657
Health and Social Security32,045,917
Home Office grants18,202,975
Lord Chancellor's Department691,476
Northern Ireland Departments
Scottish Office—direct grants8,247,195
—Urban programme11,700,000
Trade and Industry8,063,455
Welsh Office—direct grants5,093,652
—Urban programme2,375,000

1 Includes contributions from the Departments of Education and Science, Health and Social Security, and Transport.

2 Overseas Development Administration's total consists solely of grants to various British charities for work in overseas relief and development.

In addition payments were made directly to voluntary bodies under
various employment programmes:


Manpower Services Commission (estimated payments);
Community Programme366,000,000
Voluntary Projects Programme7,830,000

The MSC makes payments to voluntary bodies under other programmes, but these cannot be given in detail except at disproportionate cost.


Department of Economic Development, Northern Ireland:
Action for Community Employment14,270,000
Community Volunteering Scheme635,000
Youth Community Projects637,636
Community Workshops13,356,506

Housing Government Departments also made grants and payments to Housing Associations and Societies:


Department of the Environment944,800,000
Department of the Environment for NorthernIreland39,648,142
Scottish Office105,734,494

Non-Departmental Public Bodies
Grants made to voluntary bodies in 1985–86 by Non-Departmental
Public Bodies include the following:


Equal Opportunities Commission61,393
Commission for Racial Equality3,828,035
Development Commission2,358,685
Countryside Commission2,405,000
Countryside Commission for Scotland286,701
Nature Conservancy Council


contracts with voluntary bodies325,000
Sports Council12,415,000
Sports Council for Northern Ireland431,395
Scottish Sports Council2,389,766
Sports Council for Wales1,061,077
Health Education Council grants810,000
Health Education Council—Northern Ireland278,000

1 £573,000 of this amount was for the purchase of nature reserves.