asked the Secretary of State for Northern Ireland what is the outcome of the consultations between the Northern Ireland Housing Executive and tenants on the Cromac estate and the Sandy Row and Lower Newtownards area; and what percentage of tenants wish to retain the service provided by the district heating schemes.
This is a matter for the Housing Executive in the first instance but I understand from the chairman that, of 273 tenants (69 per cent.) in the Cromac area who responded to consultation, 88 (32 per cent.) were in favour of removal and 178 (65 per cent.) were against with seven (3 per cent.) undecided. I also understand that having considered both the results of the consultation and economic and management considerations, the Housing Executive will be proposing that district heating in the Cromac estate be removed. I await a formal proposal from the Executive and shall write to the hon. Member when I have reached a decision.