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Juveniles (Secure Accommodation)

Volume 111: debated on Monday 2 March 1987

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asked the Secretary of State for Social Services if he will list in the Official Report the name and location of each institution offering secure accommodation for juveniles, indicating the number of places provided at each one.

Details of secure accommodation within the child care system as at 1 February 1987 are shown in the table.

places for juveniles made the subject of an order of the court; to what extent their location ensures that juveniles are accommodated within reasonable distance of their home and of the court; and if he will make a statement.

Apart from the two youth treatment centres managed directly by the Department, the provision of secure accommodation within the child care system is a matter for local authorities. Grant aid for the provision of additional places is available. We are not aware of any firm plans which would have a major effect on the amount or distribution of the overall stock of secure accommodation.Some secure accommodation is provided in most parts of the country and where possible juveniles are accommodated within a reasonable distance of their homes and the courts. The largest units which are suitable for long stay provision are fewer in number and more widely spread, and juveniles accommodated in them may be some distance from their homes.