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Patient Records (Computerisation)

Volume 111: debated on Tuesday 3 March 1987

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asked the Secretary of State for Social Services (1) which regional health authorities have computerised, or are in the process of computerising, their patient record systems;(2) if he will state which companies have won contracts for the computerisation of regional health authority patient records systems; and which companies unsuccessfully submitted tenders, broken down for each regional health authority;(3) if he will state, in respect of the computerisation of patient record systems by regional health authorities, the dates on which tenders were invited and the dates on which contracts were awarded, for each regional health authority;(4) if he will state, in respect of the computerisation of regional health authorities patient record systems, the original tender price accepted by each regional health authority, and the amount by which the accepted tender price has been exceeded by authorities who have

(a) completed their computerisation projects and (b) are in the process of computerisation.

Most hospital patient master indexes either are, or soon will be, computerised. The responsibility for this rests with health authorities, and no record of the details of individual procurements is kept centrally.