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Volume 111: debated on Tuesday 3 March 1987

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asked the Paymaster General what proportion of YTS trainees in Hampshire have obtained full-time employment within a reasonable time of the completion of their training; and what proportion have been employed by the employers with whom they were training.

The Manpower Services Commission conducts a regular follow-up survey of all YTS leavers. Of those who left YTS schemes in Hampshire between April 1985 and March 1986, 65 per cent. were in full-time work some three months after leaving. Of these, just over half (54 per cent.) were employed by the employer with whom they trained.


asked the Paymaster General whether he proposes to increase the number of YTS places in the public sector.

At 31 January 1987 there were 453,000 YTS contracted places of which over 126,000 were in the public sector. The number of YTS places is decided annually in the light of the number of young people expected to come forward for training, and there are no plans at present to change the general balance of places on the programme.


asked the Paymaster General how many people are presently engaged in YTS in Britain.

On 31 January 1987, the latest date for which figures are available, there were 335,787 young people in training on YTS in Great Britain.