asked the Secretary of State for Social Services if he will publish the results of his Department's Chief Nursing Officer's review of guidance in the work of community psychiatric nurses; and if he will make a statement.
The Department's chief nursing officer has not conducted a review of community psychiatric nursing but in December 1985 a meeting was held with representatives of professional organisations and statutory bodies to discuss the role of the registered mental nurse in the changing pattern of services. The report of this meeting was discussed with the standing nursing and midwifery advisory committee and a sub-group of the committee is examining the issues raised.
asked the Secretary of State for Social Services (1) what guidance has been given to regional health authorities to enable them to determine their future requirements for registered mental nurses and community psychiatric nurses and to make appropriate provision for their training;(2) if he will list the occasions on which he has withheld approval from plans submitted to him by regional health authorities on the grounds that they contain inadequate provision for the recruitment and training of community psychiatric nurses and registered mental nurses; and if he will make a statement.
Determining future staffing requirements is a matter for health authorities to assess in the light of local circumstances. Regional health authority plans are, however, scrutinised to ensure adequacy of training levels and consistency with plans for service provision. Any inconsistencies are followed up through the planning and accountability review processes.Following the last round of strategic plans, most regional health authorities were asked to undertake further work on nursing recruitment and training issues, including nurses required in the area of mental illness. This work is continuing.