asked the Paymaster General, pursuant to his answer of 16 February, Official Report, columns 427–8, if he will publish in the Official Report (a) the number of entrants to YTS schemes in the financial services sector at March 1986 by the standard Department of Employment categories of ethnic origin, and by sex, and (b) the percentages of young people in work three months after leaving YTS schemes in the financial services sector between April 1985 and March 1986, by ethnic origin, and by sex.
The information required on entrants by ethnic origin and sex is not currently available. The information below shows the percentage of young people in work three months after leaving YTS schemes in the financial services sector between April 1985 and March 1986 by (i) ethnic origin and (ii) by sex.(i) Of the 17,273 white young people 66 per cent. were in work three months after leaving YTS. Of the 452 young people of Black/African Caribbean descent 40 per cent. were in work three months after leaving YTS. Of the 457 young people of Indian subcontinent descent 37 per cent. were in work three months after leaving YTS. Of the 316 young people who were either from none of those groupings or preferred not to say, 65 per cent. were in work three months after leaving YTS.(ii) Of the 6,409 males who left YTS schemes in the financial services sector, 62 per cent. were in work three months after leaving YTS. Of the 12,094 females, 66 per cent. were in work three months after leaving YTS.