asked the Secretary of State for Social Services what representations and complaints he has recently received about discrimination against disabled people; what his response has been; and if he will make a statement.
be negotiated which would provide management with. more flexibility to take account of the quality of lecturers' performance and recruitment and retention problems; and include a firm commitment to improved promotion, probation and performance appraisal arrangements.
The Government have accepted proposals put forward by the university employers and staff sides on this basis. The proposals provide for average pay increases amounting to 24 per cent.—16·6 per cent. backdated to 1 December 1986 and 7·4 per cent. from 1 March 1988.
The additional £40 million for 1987–88 will now be released. The £56 million for 1988–89 and the £71 million for 1989–90 will remain conditional on satisfactory progress with proposed arrangements for appraisal, probation and promotion.
I welcome this settlement. It will reward excellence, enable substantially higher salaries to be paid to a minority of outstanding professors, and help to counter the brain drain.