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Westminster Hall Cafeteria

Volume 112: debated on Monday 16 March 1987

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asked the Lord Privy Seal for what category of hon. Members' functions it is proposed to use the Westminster Hall Cafeteria; whether it is proposed that a charge will be made; what representations he received in advance of the resolution of the Services Committee favouring such a course of action; if he will seek to increase the time available for consultation before implementation of the proposal; and if he will make a statement.

I have been asked to reply.The Refreshment Department proposes to use the Westminster Hall Cafeteria as a banqueting room available to Members and Officers of the House on the same terms and conditions as for Banqueting accommodation elsewhere.Full consultation took place with representatives of the regular users of the Westminster Hall Cafeteria before the Services Committee resolution of 17 February; and the General Purposes Sub-Committee of the House of Commons Whitley Committee have been invited to comment before the end of March. Subject to these and any other representations that may be received by that date, the Services Committee has agreed that the proposal may be implemented after the Easter Adjournment.On all changes in the Refreshment Department, it is the policy of the Catering sub-Committee to have wide ranging consultations, and in this particular case consultations were commenced in December 1986.

United Kingdom visits: Session 1986–87
Committee and destination, dates of visit and estimated total costTotal length of visit in daysNumber of Members taking part in part of the visitNumber of Members taking part in the whole visitNumber of Members not taking part in the visit
1. Shell Laboratories, Kent 3 December 1986£82·001038
2. Compton 29 January 1987 £85·401038
3. Wye College, Kent 19 February 1987 £107·001038
Education, Science and Arts
1. Hertfordshire 11 February 1987 £95·701083
2. Sheffield/Derbyshire 15–17 February 1987 £1,936·912263
1. Edinburgh 4–5 December 1986 £617·502038
2. Aberdeen/Lerwick 16–19 February 1987 £3,559·074047
1. Thames Estuary 17 February 1987 Nil cost½074
2. North-West England 2–4 March 1987 £2,9123434
Home Affairs
1. Feltham Youth Centre 10 December 1986 £178·021074
2. Holloway Prison 28 January 1987 £103·501065
Sub-Committee on Race Relations
1. Heathrow Airport 16 February 1987 £78·661032
2. Dover Port 2 March 1987 £1431032
Scottish Affairs
Greenock 17 November 1986 £653·231148
Social Services
1. South West Durham 24 November 1986 £541·661037
2. Birmingham 8 December 1986 £606·961046
3. Department of General Practice, St. Mary's Hospital, Paddington 16 December 1986 £19·00½028
4. Edinburgh 11–12 March 1987 £2,3952244
Trade & Industry
Midlands 2–5 March 1987 £2,104·704902
1. Birmingham & Doncaster