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Enterprise Measures (Women)

Volume 112: debated on Monday 16 March 1987

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asked the Paymaster General, pursuant to his reply of 17 February to the hon. Member for Caerphilly (Mr. Davies), Official Report, columns 535–36, in regard to the employment, training and enterprise measures run by his Department and the Manpower Services Commission since May 1979, if he will indicate how many women have benefited from each measure in each year since that date, expressing each in actual (absolute) and percentage terms.

The figures which are available for the number of women participating in the employment, training and enterprise measures run by my Department and the Manpower Services Commission since 1979 are as follows:

Figures are not available for the young workers scheme, the new workers scheme and the job splitting scheme. Survey evidence shows that in 1985 48 per cent. of jobs supported by the young workers scheme were filled by women. The new workers scheme replaced the young workers scheme in March 1986 and survey evidence is not yet available. It is estimated that since the scheme began 89 per cent. of participants in the job splitting scheme have been women. Figures are not available for all of the adult training programmes included in the previous reply.